Corn is a monoecious, diclinous plant. Therefore, the male flower of the female plant must be removed (see chapter “Why field corn propagation? – Hybrid cultivation”). For this, the right timing is crucial: the entire field must be detasseled before the corn silk emerge. This work in corn propagation must be done with extreme precision to prevent any contamination of the seed.
Manual detasseling
Detasseling is a special requirement in corn propagation. Traditional manual detasseling requires a large number of seasonal workers, as the main detasseling of the propagation areas must be carried out at the right time, within one to two days.
Mechanical detasseling
Over the last few years, mechanical detasseling has become more and more important, because finding enough workers for the detasseling season in July has turned into a big challenge.
For this reason, three high-clearance tractors are used on the Jüly farm, ensuring effectiveness even in ascending propagation areas.
Mechanical detasseling at the contract farmers
RWA’s detasseling support for contract farmers:
Two high-clearance tractors for mechanical detasseling are available for RWA contract farmers.
These machines are the property of RWA and are provided exclusively to contract farmers in Lower Austria. Interested farmers, who do not have sufficient staff available, can have the main detasseling carried out with the help of this machine.
For further information, please contact DI Mathias Breisch 0664/6274333 or Ing. Michael Lackner 0664/6274283.
INFORMATION for interested contract farmers; your contact at RWA
YOU are interested in growing organic or conventional field corn on your land? RWA’s cultivation area covers the whole of Lower Austria, Upper Austria and Burgenland. Please do not hesitate to contact RWA! Contact DI Mathias Breisch, Mobile: 0664/6274333 or Ing. Michael Lackner 0664/6274283.